Business Software Solutions gets several requests a week from our customers for features that they would like to see in our software. Sometimes these requests are for additional functionality and some are simply features our customers would like to see to make their job a little bit easier. While many large POS companies would not give these requests a second thought or charge thousands of dollars to make the change, BSS listens.
We continually improve our product.
Recently, BSS was approached by a large frozen yogurt chain that was interested in using our software. While our TouchPOS product was designed to sell items by weight in this type of environment, this customer had a specific need. They wanted to weigh multiple items at a time and subtract tare weight for the number of containers they were selling. BSS saw this as a valuable feature to add to our software. Within a week our engineers were able to customize our software to meet this demand.
We see our customers as a resource.
While it is not possible for us to add every feature request to the software, we recognize that our customers are a great resource. Our Business Plus Accounting software is a high quality software package because of the feedback of our customers. Over time, implementing features based on customer feedback has been critical to the growth and acceptance of our software.
We listen to customers needs.
Since Business Software Solutions was started in 1989 we have been committed to meeting the demands of our customers. While our focus has shifted from customized business software to providing high quality POS systems, our commitment to meeting these demands remains the same. Our technicians have the ability to post any customer request to our inner-office website that is reviewed by our engineers on a regular basis. The more customers that request certain functionality, the more valuable it is to add to our software. We are also committed to adding features that are absolutely necessary for our customers. If a customer has a feature that they absolutely must have, we can give that customer a quote while they’re on the phone and typically finish the engineering within 2 weeks.
So the big question is, how well does your POS company listen?