In this day and age, it can be difficult to hire staff that is completely trustworthy. We receive calls from restaurant owners all the time that have just realized that they have had employees stealing from them for a year or more and they did not realize it until it was too late. Even if you believe you have staff that you can fully trust, your restaurant may be presenting a huge temptation for dishonesty. The restaurant industry provides a huge opportunity for employees to handle and pocket cash and manipulate orders. Typically, if there is a way to be dishonest, an employee will figure it out. So how can you safeguard yourself from being taken advantage of? Here are a few simple steps to keep your restaurant employees honest.
1) Use Security Options In Your POS System
Most, if not all, POS systems come with security features built in. If you are not using them, start now. Everyday functions in your POS system present a way to steal. Functions such as reprinting a receipt, removing items or orders, splitting tickets, and comping and discounting can all be used by an employee to pocket cash. Although it may be an inconvenience to your manager to have to approve these functions, using your POS system’s security options could save you a large amount of money in the end.
2) Review Security Reports Regularly
Your POS system should be able to report any time an order is removed, comped, or discounted. Check these POS security reports often to make sure this is not happening regularly. Also check to make sure there is not a pattern to these reports and that you don’t see the majority of the activity coming from one employee.
3) Use Swipe Cards Instead of Passwords
POS systems typically have an option to allow an employee to use a secure function either by using a manually entered manager password or a manager swipe card. Using manual passwords works fine but sooner or later someone is going to watch you close enough to find out your password. Using manager swipe cards solves this issue. You must be there with your card to approve the particular POS function they are trying to access.
Swipe cards should not only be used for managers but for employees logging in as well. By allowing your servers to manually log into the system you allow the opportunity for employees to clock each other in and out and put orders in under another person’s ID. This can be a huge security hole. Set up employee login cards for each of your employees to keep your POS system secure. This way you can make sure that they alone are responsible for their own orders.
If you are a BPA customer and would like to know more about using these features, please call our technical support at (801) 336-3303. If your POS system does not support these functions and you are interested in a system that allows you to secure your business, please visit or call us at (801) 336-3303.